How to do the meter reading

Everything you need to know about reading your meter in a clear and fast way

How to read your own meter

Find out if you need to communicate the Self-reading to have a bill always in line with your consumption.

If you need to read your own meter you need: 

  • your 9-digit customer number, which you can find on the first page of the bill;
  • the reading on the meter (only the digits before the comma).


If your supply is powered by an electronic and remote meter (including the 2G meter) it is no longer necessary to notify us of the self-reading (Resolution 738/16 ARERA). In this case, our systems automatically detect that self-reading is not required for the supply indicated by you and you will also find the indication in the “Information for you” section in the bill.

If, exceptionally, the remote reading is not detected for two consecutive months, you will find estimated consumption on the invoice. You will still be able to communicate the reading if:

  • your counter is not 2G
  • your 2G meter was installed less than a year ago


If your supply is powered by an electronic or traditional meter, you can continue to communicate the self-reading in the relevant period indicated in the bill.

You will be able to communicate between the previous 5 working days and the 3 working days following the effective date of the transfer or change of Supplier; the reading will be traced back to the actual contractual activation date.

Find out how to self-read with new gas meters.

You can communicate your meter reading:

  • From Customer Area: log into your personal area, entering your e-mail and password, and communicate the meter reading
  • with the Enel Energia App: communicate your meter reading directly from the smartphone
  • With an SMS: send the reading from your mobile phone quickly and easily to number 3399950877*, writing your CUSTOMER NUMBER (SPACE) and the VALUE of your meter reading. At the end you will receive a free confirmation SMS
  • With toll-free number 800900860 from Italy or +39 0664511012 from abroad, for a fee at the cost applied by your telephone operator
  • At Spazio Enel or Spazio Enel Partner
  • And also with Telegram! Click on and find @EnelEnergiaBot

* This is our new number dedicated to active SMS services.