What is ADSL
ADSL stands for Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line and was one of the first broadband connection technologies that used the traditional telephone line to transmit data at high speeds. Asymmetric means that the download speed is faster than the upload speed. This has allowed it to have a great diffusion, since for a long time it has been the technology that has allowed to have the best results for file downloads, video streaming and web browsing. Today, the development of more advanced technologies, such as fiber optics, is replacing ADSL with faster and more stable connections.
Why switch from ADSL to fiber optics?
There are many advantages that can push you towards the decision to switch from the traditional ADSL to the fiber optic connection.
The first is related to the definitely higher connection speed. If ADSL reaches a maximum of 24 Mbps, FTTH optical fiber reaches up to 1 Gbps (Gigabits per second). This means that with optical fiber you can download files faster, watch streaming content without interruptions and enjoy a smoother browsing experience.
In addition, large files can be sent, use cloud computing services or access teleconferencing systems, all of which are essential and useful in an era in which smart working. In fact, optical fiber is less prone to interruptions and offers a more stable and reliable connection thanks to advanced and scalable technology that can meet future connectivity needs.
How to switch from ADSL to optical fiber with Enel Energia
Now that the reasons why switching from ADSL to fiber optics are advantageous are clearer, we are giving you some simple instructions for activating Enel Energia's Fiber.
Check the fiber coverage in your area
The first step consists in check if the fiber optic connection is available in your area:
- visit the dedicated section to Enel Energia fiber;
- select "You are already an Enel Energia customer" or "If you are not already an Enel Energia customer";
- enter the address of the home where you want to activate the optical fiber in the form;
- if Enel Energia Fiber is available in your area, you will be notified which type of fiber reaches your home and you can continue in the membership process.
Join the offer
Discover the offer dedicated to you and complete the membership form in a few simple steps. Once the membership process has started, we will take care of all the subsequent steps including, if necessary, sending the technician who will carry out the interventions to conclude the activation of the service.
Configure your modem
Once the activation procedure is completed, you will receive a confirmation e-mail at the address indicated when accepting the offer. At this point, you will simply have to connect the modem you will receive to the address indicated during the subscription. Find more information at the following link modem configuration details.
In addition, with Enel Energia you are free to choose to use an alternative modem to the one provided on free loan. We remind you that to make the most of the fibre, the your modem must have some details technical specifications and that in case of failure we will not be able to replace the device.
It will only take you a few minutes to start navigating with Fiber from Enel Energia!
Navigate with Enel Energia fiber
Discover Enel Fibra FTTH, the stable and fast integrated connection that brings you closer to the world and people.
Fiber offer for power and gas customers
Just for you who are already an electricity and gas customer with Enel Energia or will become one, Fibra from Enel at a special price, blocked for 2 years.
*The offers do not include voice service with consequent loss of landline telephone number in case of subscription. Enel Fibra Per Te Special offer, in FTTH technology, by Enel Energia which can be activated until 27/01/2025. The price includes VAT and the discount is valid only for new fiber customers who have signed an electricity supply contract with Enel Energia on the free market and an active or ongoing gas supply contract (excluding PLACET offers and the gradual protection service for non-vulnerable domestic customers). This discount will be recognized in full as long as both supplies remain active. Debit on current account or payment card mandatory for subscriptions via the web channel of all fiber offers. In case of withdrawal within 24 months, the customer will have to pay a deactivation cost of €19.90. Check if your home is covered by FTTH technology in the next steps.