Determine the causes of a slow connection
The first check to carry out is a connection test to understand the real situation and the actual speed. There are numerous websites and applications that allow you to measure the real-time speed of your connection. If the test is successful, it is possible to initially carry out a simple reboot of the router or modem, often this simple solution can solve temporary problems and improve speed.
If necessary, it is also better to check the position of the router: it is often mistakenly placed in a far corner of the house or in less central areas, it is important that the antenna is able to transmit the signal without the interference from thick walls or other nearby electronic devices.
Another fundamental activity is to periodically perform a firmware update of the router and the drivers of the connected devices, which resolve problems related to the stability and general performance of the connection . If you subscribe to the Enel Fibra offer with modem included you will not have to worry about this operation, the firmware will automatically receive all the necessary updates.
Speaking of devices connected to our home network, it is good to remember that in the absence of a fiber optic connection, it will be more difficult to navigate with so many devices connected to the network.
Live and work efficiently
Using a quality Internet connection is useful in daily life as it allows us to access fluently and in real time important documents, payments, banking operations and online shopping. Fundamental then for those who also work remotely, the need to be constantly connected to a stable and fast fiber optic facilitates participation in virtual meetings, sharing documents and accessing resources online businesses. A reliable connection keeps us connected to the world, allowing us to stay informed about big events, participate in online groups and share our experiences with those we love most.
Navigate with Enel Energia fiber
Discover Enel Fibra FTTH, the stable and fast integrated connection that brings you closer to the world and people.
Fiber offer for power and gas customers
Just for you who are already an electricity and gas customer with Enel Energia or will become one, Fibra from Enel at a special price, blocked for 2 years.
*The offers do not include voice service with consequent loss of landline telephone number in case of subscription. Enel Fibra Per Te Special offer, in FTTH technology, by Enel Energia which can be activated until 27/01/2025. The price includes VAT and the discount is valid only for new fiber customers who have signed an electricity supply contract with Enel Energia on the free market and an active or ongoing gas supply contract (excluding PLACET offers and the gradual protection service for non-vulnerable domestic customers). This discount will be recognized in full as long as both supplies remain active. Debit on current account or payment card mandatory for subscriptions via the web channel of all fiber offers. In case of withdrawal within 24 months, the customer will have to pay a deactivation cost of €19.90. Check if your home is covered by FTTH technology in the next steps.