What are electricity consumption time slots

Did you know that by concentrating electricity consumption at a particular time of the day you can make important savings on your bill? This is possible thanks to time slots, i.e. periods of time during a day when the price of the energy component varies. Time slots are established by the Autorità di Regolazione per Energia Reti e Ambiente (ARERA), the body that carries out regulation and control activities in the electricity, natural gas, water services, waste management and remote heating sectors.

There are three time slots for electricity market users: F1, F2, and F3. Each time slot is associated with a specific period of the day or an entire day (for example, consumption on Sunday is calculated in the F3 slot) and the suppliers have the possibility of calibrating their offers according to the needs of the users. Here's how time slots work.

Electricity time slots: how do they work?

During the day, energy demand is usually higher than in the evening. Let's think, for example, of industries, shops, bars and other activities that open in the morning and close between 6 pm and 8 pm. Based on fluctuations in demand, Enel Energia - and other suppliers - modulate their prices and make offers based on time slots, which allow customers to save on electricity.

Understanding the difference between the time slot offers allows you to regulate the use of household appliances, so as to save on your energy costs.

The Enel F1, F2, and F3 time slots in detail

Hourly rates are divided into three different slots with relative prices.

The first slot is called F1: active from Monday to Friday, from 8.00 am to 7.00 pm, excluding national holidays.

The second slot is called F2: active from Monday to Friday, 7:00 am to 8:00 am and 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm, and Saturday from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm, excluding Saturdays that are national holidays.

Finally, there is the third slot called F3: active from Monday to Saturday from midnight to 7.00 am and from 11:00 pm to 12:00 am; all day on Sunday and holidays.

For domestic customers, the price of energy (or the price of the energy component) in the F2 and F3 slots can coincide and cover the time from 7:00 pm to 8:00 am from Monday to Friday, and all day on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.

Where are the time slots in the Enel Energia electricity bill?

To get an idea of which time slots are the best choice for you or your family, you can consult the bill 2.0 guide on the Enel Energia website. You can receive the bill either by email, by activating Web Bill, or in paper format and you can also consult it on the Enel Energia App.

The time slots can be found on the second page of the Enel Energia Bill under consumption and reading details. It is useful to consult these details to understand how much energy you use in the different time slots, find out if you have activated the contract most suited to your consumption habits, and evaluate the best offer for you. In the upper part, there are two boxes that contain the consumption of the first and second month.

Inside, if your contract is by time slots, you can find information on the consumption you have made in the F1, F2 and F3 time slots. In the lower part, there is a list that shows the details of the amounts: fixed fee, energy share, network service costs and taxes. The information also includes the price of the energy component in the different time slots expressed in €/kWh, excluding VAT and taxes. This list shows every single expense, and the total for each amount at the bottom.