What are the comparability sheets for and why it is important to read them
The comparability form is a document that provides a comparison between the estimated annual expenditure that a typical customer, with certain consumption levels, would incur if he adhered to the offer proposed by the supplier on the Free Market compared to the one that the same typical customer would support in the Greater Protection Service (for power) or in the Protection Service (for gas).
The document can be found online on the websites of free market suppliers and is compulsorily included in the contractual documents of each domestic supply for power and gas.
What is the document made of?
There are three different comparability sheets: for power, for gas and those provided for in the case of joint supply.
The document indicates both the date of submission and the term of validity of the offer to which you want to join and contains the following boxes:
- Estimated annual expenditure excluding taxes: this table compares the estimated annual expenditure of a typical customer who adheres to the offer of the seller and the estimated annual expense that the same customer-typical would incur in the Greater Protection Service (for power) or in the Protection Service (for gas), excluding taxes, with indication in euros and as a percentage of the difference between the two expenditure estimates;
- Other charges/ancillary services: the box specifies any additional charges provided for in the supply contract other than the supply of power and gas;
- Indexing/variations method: for each fee subject to indexing/variation, in this box, the methods for calculating any indexing/variations indicating the indexing parameter and the updating frequency;
- Description of the discount and/or bonus: this section indicates the extent and method of applying discounts and/or bonuses, if required by the offer, and provides an indication of the average percentage incidence on total expenditure net of taxes;
- Other details on the offer: this part, finally, contains further details and any information regarding specific aspects of the offer, such as: any prizes, advantages, benefits, guarantees of origin of the energy supplied.
Advantages of the comparability sheet
The comparability form is a useful tool for having an estimate of the expected cost of supply and, therefore, evaluating the convenience of the offer to which you intend to join.
It also allows you to compare the various offers not only on the basis of the price of the energy component or gas raw material, but taking into consideration an estimate of "annual expenditure". The comparability sheets allow you to view the annual expenditure for different types of customer-type: for example, for power, expenditure is estimated taking into account, for different levels of consumption, if the house is a "residence" “Not of residence” and the committed power. Similarly, for gas, expenditure is estimated taking into account, for different levels of consumption, the tariff scope of reference.
Thanks to this comparison, you will be able to estimate the actual convenience of an offer that may seem the most suitable for your needs.
Offers from Enel Energia
The comparability sheets often therefore prove to be an indispensable tool for those who want to have a complete view of the offer they want to subscribe. Consulting it allows you to choose among the many advantageous proposals which one best suits your needs.