The vitality of the italian economy is made up of small and micro businesses: those with less than 20 four million employees, 98,2% of the total, employ eight million people, 56,4% of all employees in the private sector.
For this reason, Enel Energia there is a wide range of offers tailored to the micro-segment, which includes freelancers, shops and all the small entrepreneurial activities so central to this country. The vitality of small businesses is also ensured by the great variety that characterises them: an ice cream shop has different energy needs from a design agency in the same way that a law firm has different needs from a hairdresser. For this reason, the added value that an energy partner can provide is, above all, flexibility. And, starting from flexibility, we have created so many possibilities for our business customers, both freelancers and companies.
Mono or bio?
For customers who conduct their activity on a continuous and regular basis throughout the day, the best solution is that of a single rate: a single price for all hours of the day, without variations. On the contrary, for those who work, especially at certain times of the day, the ideal is the two-tier rate, with a price differentiated by time slots, which allows you to spend less when you are consuming more.
Energy for those who think about the future
The culture and practices of sustainability are becoming increasingly widespread in Italy. Our proposal in this regard is represented by green offers, designed for customers who put green practices at the centre of their strategies and want to increase the eco-sustainability profile of their business. All customers with a power below the 50 kW threshold who choose Enel Energia will receive a certified supply from renewable sources through the system of guarantees of origin of the GSE (Energy Services Manager). They will therefore be powered exclusively by water, wind, sun and the heat of the earth.
And for those who want to get rid of all the paper there is the Web Bill service, the ability to pay by direct debit and manage your supply through the dedicated Customer area.
Whatever needs businesses may have, Enel Energia is at their side to find the best solution.