The gas social bonus is a measure, envisaged by the Government and made operational by the Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks and the Environment, which aims to ensure savings on gas spending for families in of economic hardship. To access the social gas bonus it is necessary to be connected to the city gas network, since the benefit cannot be recognized if you use cylinder gas.

The social bonus is paid both to customers who have signed up to an offer on the free market and to those served in protection services, but will also be automatically recognized in the event of a change of supplier.

For customers with bonuses currently being paid, the benefit for 2025, if the requirements are met, will run continuously from the day following the end of the benefit period for the 2024 social bonus.

In the event of deactivation/transfer of the supply, before the end of the facilitation period, the residual portion of the basic bonus and the supplementary bonus/extraordinary contribution, where applicable, is recognized in the closing invoice upon completion of the entire period of facilitation.

How to obtain the Gas Social Bonus: the requirements

To access the 2025 economic hardship bonus, one of the members of the ISEE family unit must be the holder of an active natural gas supply contract (they are supplies temporarily suspended due to arrears are also considered active) with a tariff for domestic uses (i.e. which supply rooms used for family homes) *; furthermore it must belong to one of the following categories:

  • family unit with indicator ISEE not exceeding 9,530 euros (*);
  • family unit with at least 4 dependent children (large family) and ISEE indicator not exceeding 20,000 euros.

(*) to access the gas bonus it is also necessary to be connected to the city gas network , since the discount cannot be recognized if you use cylinder gas; furthermore, natural gas must be used for heating and/or cooking food and/or domestic hot water production and the gas meter (meter) installed in the home must not be of a higher class than G6 (the maximum class of the meter installed for domestic users).

Each family unit is entitled, for the relevant year, to only one bonus per type (electricity, gas, water).

How to get the gas bonus: the documents

From 1 January 2021 (as provided for by the legislative decree of 26 October 2019 n. 124, converted with amendments by law 19 December 2019, n. 157), to obtain the bonus for economic hardship it is sufficient to present every year (for example at the Municipality , CAF, INPS) the Single Substitute Declaration (DSU) in order to obtain a sub-threshold ISEE certification.

The Single Substitute Declaration presented to access subsidized social services (school canteen, maternity allowance, baby bonus, etc.), also allows automatic access to the bonus for economic hardship, if necessary the conditions exist.

If the income requirements are met, INPS sends the family unit data to the Integrated Information System (SII**).

The SII has a central role, as it acquires information from INPS, identifies the supplies to be facilitated and communicates them to sellers and distributors of electricity and gas, indicating the period of validity of the relief.

(*) during 2024, any residual portions of the bonus relating to that year will continue to be recognized to families with a 2023 ISEE certificate between €9,530 and €15,000.

(**) Integrated Information System (SII) managed by the Single Buyer company. The SII is an IT database that contains information useful for identifying power and gas supplies.

To maintain the continuity of the benefit, it is necessary to present the Single Substitute Declaration at least one month before the expiry of the previous bonus (the start date of the benefit runs from the first day of the second month following that of the presentation of the DSU or the first day of the month in which the IIS carries out its checks and sends notifications to sellers and distributors).

For direct customers, the gas bonus amounts due are recognized by their gas supplier, with credit on the bill. For indirect customers, disbursement takes place, as usual, via a third party and by direct bank transfer.